Fiber Tester for the Study of Different Sweetpotato Varieties

The analysis of the sensitivity of the total dietary fiber, water-insoluble dietary fiber, and water-soluble dietary fiber content to the ecological factors of each variety of grain by a fiber measurement instrument showed that the dietary fiber content of eight sweet buckwheat varieties and the altitude and growth period of the cultivation site The correlation of the isothermal temperatures did not reach a significant level, but the correlation between dietary fiber content and ecological factors of different varieties was different.

The change in dietary fiber content determined by the fiber gauge between barley grain varieties was 24.8% to 26.3%, and the variation between the experimental sites was 24.9% to 26.7%. Comparing with daily food crops, it was found that the dietary fiber content of sweet wolfberry in this experiment was relatively abundant, ranging from 13.9% to 28.32%, which was higher than that of main grain crops such as rice and wheat. Soluble fiber, that is, water-soluble dietary fiber should account for more than 10% of the total dietary fiber content is more appropriate dietary fiber composition.

The fiber tester test results showed that the ratio of water-soluble dietary fiber to the total dietary fiber was higher than 10% in the seeds of 8 sweet buckwheat grown in different places. The content of dietary fiber in rice was found to be 0.7%; Niu Lei et al. used black wheat as the test material and found that the total dietary fiber content was 4.6%, which was 2 to 3 times that of ordinary light-colored wheat; Hushan Lan et al. Dietary fiber results were between 9.48% and 15.05%.

The coefficient of variation of the location was between 23.40% and 62.19%, and the coefficient of variation was large. The fiber tester above experiments implied that the water-soluble dietary fiber content of grains may be greatly affected by differences in other factors such as sweet sorghum varieties. Combining the rich functional components of sweet buckwheat and the widespread distribution of sweet buckwheat, it is believed that sweet wolfberry can be processed and promoted as a raw material for health foods.

2 Dimentional Geonet

Geonet can be used as a kind of filling layers for stabilization, detritus separation, horizontal drainage cushion, underwater drainage constructure and slope road protection structure in building roads, railway, ports, airports, mining, hydro-power engineering projects.

Chief specifications include CE121.CE131.CE151.CE181.DN1.HF10

1. It reinforce old asphalt concrete road surface and asphalt layer, and prevents damage ;

2. It is used for rebuilding cement concrete road surface into composite road surface and restraining reflection caused by block contraction .

3. It is used in road expansion and improvment project and crack caused by old and new combination position and uneven sedimentation ;

4. It is used in soft soil base reinforcement treatment , is favorable for soft soil water separation and concretion,restrains sedimentation effectivly,distributes stress uniformly and improve overall strength of road base;

5. It is sued for preventing contraction crack caused by new road semi-rigid base layer,and reinforces and prevents road surface crack caused by foundation crack reflection.

Geocomposite For Planar Drainage, Laminated Geonet Geotextile, 2 Dimentional Geonet

Feicheng Lianyi Engineering Plastics Co., Ltd ,