Car rental, you need to go through the formalities

I. Household registration for customers in Dalian City: (Zhongshan District, Xigang District, Shahekou District, Ganjingzi District, Gaoxin Park, Lushunkou District)
(1) My valid ID card
(2) My valid driver's license
(3) Rent and deposit: RMB cash or my domestic credit card (credit limit above 5,000 yuan)

II. Customers who are not registered in the main city of Dalian:
(1) My valid ID card
(2) My valid driver's license
(3) Rent and deposit: RMB cash or domestic (or guarantor) domestic credit card (credit limit above 5,000 yuan)
(4) The guarantor requested: The residence of Dalian City, the guarantor signed the original ID card security, no guarantor's deposit as the case may be floating

III. Enterprises and institutions:
(1) A copy of the company's business license and the company's organization code certificate (photocopy stamped with official seal)
(2) Manager ID card, driver's license
(3) Rent and deposit: cash, business cheque or domestic credit card of the operator

HC-22 Refrigerant Gas

HC-22 is a hydrocarbon refrigerant blend. The primary ingredients are hydrocarbons, which are flammable substances such as propane and butane. HC-22 is an ozone-safe, second-generation substitute for HCFC-22 without retrofitting. This product is currently available in 30LB cylinders.

HC-22 is a hydrocarbon refrigerant blend. The primary ingredients are hydrocarbons,which are flammable substances such as propane and butane. HC-22 is an ozone-safe, second-generation substitute for HCFC-22 without retrofitting. This product is currently available in cylinders.

R22 Replacement Gas,Hydrocarbon Gas 22,Hc-22A Hydrocarbon Refrigerant,Substitute for HCFC-22

Zhejiang Jinze Refrigerant Co.,Ltd ,